mercredi 29 janvier 2014

Are You Pursuing Your Passion or Just Being Practical?

by Jonathan

What is your passion? Come on, you can say it out loud, don’t be afraid. Let me help you: “My passion is _______________” There, all you need to do is simply fill in the blank.
Oh, are you thinking that you don’t know what your passion is? Maybe I can help you figure it out.
Try this, write down a few possible contenders, and then ask yourself the following questions with regard to each one:
1) Does doing it, or thinking about it make you feel good about yourself?
2) Is it something you enjoy doing so much that you would do it for free, or even pay money to be able to do it?
3) When you are doing it, do you lose track of time?
4) When you are talking about it do you become more animated and enthusiastic?
5) If circumstances allowed you to spend more time doing it, would you?

If you answered yes to most of these questions for one of your contenders, then you found a winner. This is definitely something you want to do. Now, here’s the tough question: Are you doing it?

Are you pursuing that passion?


You see, almost everyone has a passion they want to pursue. The problem is, we often push those passions aside in the name of being “practical.” Let’s look at the reasoning involved when choosing practical over passion.
If I do this other thing (that I’m not passionate about) first, and make some money, then I can turn my attention toward my passion. This sounds like a totally reasonable approach, doesn’t it? Raise your hand if this is your strategy!

Maybe it looks good on paper, but…


I hate to be a wet blanket here but statistics show that this practical approach rarely leads back to your passionate pursuit. Notice I didn’t say that this approach won’t work, just that most people can’t pull it off. Why not?
Because it’s far too easy to get pulled into the “practical” career and not be able to extract yourself from it later on. It becomes too easy to just keep doing what you’re doing while your passions go into the “maybe someday” file. To succeed at using this approach requires an unusual degree of focus and determination.
On the positive side, I do know people who have what it takes to break out of an established career and successfully go after their dreams. One good example is my friend and colleague Steve Aitchison of Change Your Thoughts. His article The Power of Focus is very encouraging if you are looking to break free from a career that you are not passionate about.

Society is not passion oriented


Where in your growing up experience were you ever encouraged to pursue your passions until your dreams came true? Instead, everything is designed to channel you toward a career choice that will allow you to “make a good living.” In turn, making a good living is supposed to be on a par with “living your passion,” but safer and easier. Don’t get me wrong, we all like the idea of making a good living. But shouldn’t we be able to really enjoy what we do at the same time?
Too often, the pursuit of our passions is described as “not very practical.” In fact, anything that doesn’t fit into the standard curriculum is often viewed as a long shot, or worse. Why do you think that is? Isn’t it true that most famous people became famous by breaking rank and pursuing their passions? Why does society revere them, and yet discourage people from following in their footsteps?

Don’t let fear hold you back!


We spend a huge portion of our lives working. It would be a shame if we didn’t feel a strong sense of satisfaction from that effort. The number one thing that prevents people from pursuing their passions is fear. More specifically, it’s fear of failure. My question is, Does failure really exist or is it more a matter of attitude?
The funny thing is, most highly successful people have experienced failure one or more times on their road to success. Unhindered by setbacks, they continued to pursue their passion until they succeeded. Often, it was the lessons they learned by not succeeding right away that allowed them to finally get it right. So, what’s standing in your way? If it’s fear of failure, maybe you need to shift your focus.

You have a right to pursue your passions


Don’t ever let anyone convince you that pursuing your passion is not practical. Passion is what brings meaning and value to your life. The very quality of your life experience is directly affected by the pursuit of your passions. With so much at stake, it seems impractical to choose any other course.
Please do not allow your passions to end up in the “maybe someday” file. Get yourself focused and motivated. Set some goals in the direction of your passion, and then pursue them relentlessly. Life is too short to settle for anything less than passionate.

mardi 28 janvier 2014

How To Improve Your Life Starting Today

By Mr. Self Development
Mr. Self Development is an author who teaches a motivational and practical guide to success. Please visit him at Mr. Self

I can’t think of anyone who doesn’t want to significantly improve their life.  The good news is: Every moment is an opportunity to become better than we’ve been in the past.  This is a brief article on how to improve your life starting today.  I challenge you to take action on each of these items; they will change your life if you do.

1. Become an Eclectic Reader

An eclectic reader is a reader who reads information from a variety of sources.  Reading daily from a variety of authors with different backgrounds and beliefs is an excellent way to expand your mind and change your life. It’s not necessary that you agree with “everything” the authors say; you can learn something from anyone.  Reading from a multiplicity of sources gives you the ability to take-on new concepts, thoughts, and principles that stretch your mind to greater dimensions and new perspectives, allowing you to receive ideas which have “never” been conceived before.
You shouldn’t just listen to people who you “agree” with; listen to individuals with unorthodox concepts and view points that you may oppose.   There’s a quote that goes, “If everybody’s thinking the same, then somebody’s not thinking.”  Don’t get caught up in “group thinking,” where your thoughts only mimic that of the greater population.  Use reading as a tool to give you deeper insights so you can form more accurate conclusions.

How many books or articles are you reading a day?  As many of you may know, reading is something that I love to do. I’m reading all the time; the information that I read comes from such a unique variety of authors that it would be very unlikely for someone to “in-take” this same combination of information.  This rare combination of information provides me with new concepts which have never been thought of before.

2. Meditate and/ or Schedule Quiet Time

When I say meditate, I’m talking about taking 5-10 minutes, maybe more, to silence your mind, using this time as a form of relaxation and renewal.
You may choose to utilize this time as a way of quietly focusing your mind on the images that you want to experience.  You may choose to utilize this time as a way of opening your mind to new ideas that will improve your life or solve certain problems that you’re encountering.
Your mind is always so busy; take a few minutes everyday to give it a much needed refresher.  “Time-out” is always better than “burn-out.”  Schedule “time-out” daily, if you do, you will be healthier, happier and you will have many more creative ideas to improve your circumstances and your life.

3. Start Working Out, or Increase Your Workouts

Are you giving your best efforts to your workouts?  I could personally do more, I work out six days a week, but I know I’m capable of seven.  Are you giving your best?
Working out improves your life’s expectancy, overall health, the way you look, and the way you feel about yourself.  Why would anyone not do it?
If you’re not working out, get started today; try to do at least 4-5 days a week, even if it’s only for a few minutes, learn to cultivate the joy of working out.  Don’t go around saying “I hate working out,” because you will begin to hate it.  Affirm that you “love to work out,” and you will begin to love it.

4. Spend Quality Time With The People Who Mean The Most To You

Friends and family are truly an avenue which can create lots of joy in your life.  Take time to really experience and appreciate the joy of being around the people who mean the most to you.  I’m talking about daily pre-scheduled quality time, no cell phones, no computers, no distractions, no thoughts of being anywhere else, or doing anything other than experiencing and appreciating the people who mean the most to you.
Learn from them, teach them, laugh with them, discuss deep issues, and just “shoot the breeze.”
What’s your story?  Who can you spend more time with?  And don’t say your “poker buddies.”  Maybe it’s your kid, maybe it’s your wife or husband, maybe it’s your nieces and nephews.  Let people know how much you admire and appreciate them by giving them the price-less gift of your time.

5. Enhance Your Diet

The saying is true, “You are what you eat.”   The only source your body has to re-create itself is the food that you give it, so don’t give it junk.
Do you realize that diseases can be caused as a result of poor movement of food through your body? Are you getting 100% of the fiber your body needs?  Are you drinking enough water?  Do you have a written diet plan?
Are you receiving a large portion of your calories from fruits and vegetables?  I challenge you to do so, if you aren’t.
In concluding, make sure that you observe and implement these ideas today. You have the power to improve your life forever, starting right now.

lundi 27 janvier 2014

Why Negative Life Lessons Are So Valuable

by Jonathan

When looking for ways to improve our lives, what is it we usually focus on? Don’t we tend to focus on things that will move our reality in a more positive direction? Typically, we look for ways to experience greater happiness, create more leisure time, or increase our level of success.
Regardless of the area we focus on, the intent is usually to make some degree of positive improvement, to notch things up to the next level. While this is a very important part of personal development, it is really less than fifty percent of the big picture. Why do I say that? Because in reality, the greater part of personal development comes from learning…

Negative life lessons


I know, it sounds strange and even a bit counter productive. After all, why would we want to focus on the negative side if our goal is personal development? But, what do I mean by “negative life lessons”?
Simply stated, a negative life lesson is when we learn what not to do. Maybe you are wondering: “How does learning what not to do help with my personal development?” To answer that question, let’s consider a few real life situations.

It starts when we are children


Most parents teach their young children not to play in the street. In this case, teaching them what not to do could easily mean the difference between life and death. All the positive things that child learns will be meaningless if he runs out in front of a car.
Later, when the child’s awareness has grown, he will learn not to go into the street without looking both ways. So, even though his perception has grown and changed, learning what not to do is still a vital part of his personal development.

You can’t move forward while losing ground


Essentially, negative life lessons are designed to keep us from losing ground in our personal growth and development. In the illustration above, the value is obvious. It involves life itself. In other situations, the benefits of a negative life lesson may be more subtle.
Sometimes we learn how to avoid physical or emotional pain. Or, we might learn that certain approaches waste time and resources. Successful relationships belong to those who figure out what not to do, and thus avoid needlessly hurting the feeling of the other person.
It doesn’t matter whether we are talking about raising children, building a business, or nurturing a meaningful relationship. Learning what not to do is an important key to success. Making progress in any of these areas means avoiding the things that undermine our positive efforts.

Shortcut the process for quicker results


Just as we can learn valuable new techniques and skills from those with previous experience, we should also learn from the mistakes of others. Look around at the abilities of the people you know. Some of them can probably serve as perfect examples of what not to do.
By analyzing why the efforts of others fail to produce good results, you can save yourself a bunch of time and energy. Whether it’s a dysfunctional family, a failing business, or poor health, there is always something you can learn. They’ve just shown you what not to do, and that is extremely valuable.

All life lessons are positive


I used the term “negative life lessons” only because they are the opposite of those life lessons designed to produce forward momentum. In reality, all life lessons are positive if we apply what we learn. Thomas Edison discovered 10,000 ways not to make a light bulb before he finally figured it out. What can we learn from his example?
Figuring out what works is often a process of elimination. By identifying and eliminating the thoughts, emotions, and actions that are not productive, we move ever closer to our desired outcome. You can apply this to specific goals, or your life in general. Avoiding what doesn’t work is at the foundation of all success.

A positive view of negative life lessons


Realizing the incredible value of learning what not to do should have a profound effect on our attitude. Every time we discover what doesn’t work, we move closer to solving a problem, overcoming an obstacle, or making a personal breakthrough. Every life lesson we learn, negative or positive, is a personal development treasure.
So, the next time your efforts don’t produce the exact result you were hoping for, take a moment to analyze the value of what you have just learned. Think of all the time and effort you will save because of that lesson. Consider how much more effective your future efforts will be. Now, aren’t you grateful for all those wonderful, negative life lessons?

dimanche 26 janvier 2014

Can You Focus Your Attention to Improve Your Reality

by Jonathan

How good are you at focusing your time and attention toward things that really matter?  In a world full of constant distractions, how often do you find yourself struggling to maintain your focus on the things that are truly important to you personally?
The connection between what we choose to focus on and our current reality is often misunderstood. Increasingly, productivity is being replaced by busy work and as a result, feelings of frustration are overtaking our sense of accomplishment.  Learning to purposely direct your focus will make it possible to reverse this trend.

Focusing on priorities while avoiding distractions


Understanding how your mind uses focus to direct your attention gives you the ability to create a less frustrating and more targeted life experience. You control your perception of reality by controlling where you focus your attention. This is because focus brings one thing to the center of our consciousness while deemphasizing everything else.
When we focus on our priorities it also helps us to block out distractions. The less focused we are the more susceptible we become to every little distraction that comes along. And let’s face it; winning the battle against distractions is getting more challenging by the day.

Are you in command of your life’s priorities?


Many people have never actually taken the time to discover what is truly important to them. All through life our priorities are influenced by other people’s advice and expectations.  As a result, much of what we do in life is a reflection of those outside influences. And once life becomes a routine, there is a tendency to just keep doing what we have always done without giving it much thought.
Over time your mind and your nervous system gets programmed through repetition. This causes you to continue to focus your attention on the same things you have always focused on. Eventually we can find ourselves in a rut and running on autopilot. The problem with this approach is that life is constantly changing. If we just keep following our old routine, we could easily spend years putting our focus in a direction that does not reflect our true self.

Aligning your priorities with your true self


Before we can establish priorities that truly represent our core self, we need to take the time to discover who we really are. To do this requires that we step outside the programming of those external influences and connect with our deepest values, passions, and motives. But how do we do that?
As important as it is to connect with your true self, it is not something that you are taught through conventional channels. Consequently, it’s a process that you may struggle with. In fact, recognizing this need is what moved me to lay it all out in a step-by-step home study course called Find Your TRUE SELF. Only when you discover who you are on the deepest levels can you succeed in directing your focus toward the truly important things in your life.

Putting it all together


So, just to be clear, let’s look at how you can focus your attention in a way that helps create a more meaningful reality. Whatever we focus on the most will eventually manifest in our life, but that will only be meaningful if it is in harmony with our true self. Because we have been influenced by external feedback all our lives, our concept of true self is skewed toward the strongest or most unrelenting of those external influences. On top of that, the constant barrage of distractions we are exposed to on a daily basis further clouds our perception of who we really are.
Having the right priorities in life is how you buy out the time and energy to focus your attention where it will do the most good. For those priorities to be right for you as an individual, you must take the time to find your true self. Once you do that, you put yourself in a position to align your priorities so you can focus your attention on the thoughts and activities that lead to a more fulfilling life experience.

Unleash the power of focus


Focus is a very powerful tool, especially when it is used in a way that aligns with and supports your authentic self. I encourage you to take the time to discover your unique inner person. Before you can harmonize your life and the amazing power of focus, you need to distinguish the person you truly are from your response to outside influences and expectations. In other words, find your true self.